Monday, September 3, 2012


This year seems to be the year of rereads. Strangely enough, I remember worrying about the fact that I haven't been rereading some of my so-called favorites lately only a few months ago.

Now, I'm a rereading junkie.

While I was in college, I would reread some of my favorites to help remind me why I love reading. To help remind me why I chose to devote four years of my life to studying English. To help remind me of the times where I would rather lay on my bed, not bothering to shower or interact with the outside world, while devouring page after page of a novel. 

Those times are sometimes rare for me and highly valued.

This year, I've reread two of my favorite novels: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. Also, I picked up a collection of Flannery O'Connor's stories that I had read in my American Literature courses.

Then on September 1st, I'm going back to Hogwarts. I've never read the Harry Potter series consecutively. I read the first four in 8th grade then would reread the novels while waiting for the next book. 

Also, I have a few art books that I've been flipping through and will be sharing later on.

What are some of your favorite rereads? Or reads?


  1. I'm the same way about rereading. I actually worry that I'm not expanding my "stuff I can say I've read" list enough because I spend so much time rereading books that I already love.

    That's why I've read The Lord of the Rings four or five times, while the gigantic stack of books that I got for Christmas this year have been sitting on my shelf for almost nine months. haha

    1. I like to feel like an expert on the books I love, and for me, that requires reading them two or three or four times. I think that's what it is.
